Fr. Paul Erickson was ordained in June 2013 and assigned to St. Gerard Parish as Parochial Vicar. We were familiar with him and his dedication to ministry and his “big laugh” because he had served his seminary internship at St. Gerard a couple of summers before his ordination. Though I am pleased for Lansing Catholic High School where he will now serve as chaplain, I wish he could have been with us a couple more years. His love for the people of St. Gerard, his insightful homilies and his inviting temperament and personality will be missed. The good news is that he will continue to reside at St. Gerard helping us with Masses and Sacramental celebrations when he is able. He will also have the direct care of 175 parish teens who will attend Lansing Catholic High School. Our prayers go with you Paul.
Fr. Gordon Reigle has been the chaplain at Lansing Catholic High School for the last six years. For five of those years he has helped us at St. Gerard. Not only has he had the care of the many St. Gerard teens who attend Lansing Catholic High School, he has also been most generous in assisting us at St. Gerard. Some of you may recall that Fr. Gordon was a member of St. Gerard Parish in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, while working in Lansing. He helped with our music ministry. In time he discerned a call to the priesthood. So Fr. Gordon’s connection to us goes back many years. Our prayers go with you Gordon as you assume the pastorate of St. Robert Church, Flushing and Good Shepherd Church, Montrose.