After a summer of vacations, reunions, summer camps and more, households and families typically return to more regular routines as fall approaches. As school opens for our young people in elementary and high school and colleges and universities, so parish programs kick back into high gear.
St. Gerard Parish typically hosts an early Fall Parish Picnic to gather us together as we celebrate a new year of St. Gerard School, Religious Education and Youth Ministry, Adult Faith Formation and more. Our parish councils, commissions and organizations begin to meet more regularly and parish life in general takes on a new energy.
This year’s Fall Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 13 from 12:00 - 2:30 pm in Fr. Weber Hall.
Queen of Heaven Circle and our local Knights of Columbus Council, Richard 788, team up for a picnic of barbecued chicken, hot dogs, potato salad, cookies and more. The best part is the gathering of hundreds of parishioners making new friends and renewing long-time relationships.
You can sign up for the picnic at the Church entrances or by calling the parish office 323-2379