Every two years, around the feast of St. Gerard, October 16, we have a
Parish Mission. A Mission is like a retreat during which a whole parish, leaders and parishioners alike, take time to reflect on the mission Christ has entrusted to us and seek inspiration and nourishment to go forward with greater zeal and commitment.
St. Gerard is privileged to have ValLimar Jansen with us to lead this year's Mission. A gifted and inspired speaker and singer, ValLimar has presented at some major gatherings around the nation and world including an international papal service for over 300,000 Roman Catholics, the March for Life, the National Conference for Pastoral Musicians and the National Catholic Youth Conference.
Our Mission theme is "God's
Not Dead." Taking off from a recent movie by the same name, our Mission expresses our conviction that God is very much alive in our lives, in our church and in the beautiful world around us. I invite all parishioners and friends to come and be inspired as ValLimar leads us to a deeper of appreciation of God's living presence in our lives and moves us to greater zeal in for the mission he has given us as a sacred trust.
The Mission services will be at 7 PM on Sunday, October 12, Monday, October 13, and Tuesday, October 14. There will be a Kidz Mission for younger folk on Sunday and Monday at 7 PM and child care available each night. On Monday at 5:30 PM the Knights of Columbus are preparing a meal (gratis) in the Parish Hall for anyone who wishes, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Monday and Tuesday from 6:00-6:45 PM.
Come and join me as we seek to grow in our faith and our commitment to God's mission.