"I want what you got," were words said by a young woman to a St. Gerard Parishioner as she prepared to become part of the RCIA, the process for those seeking to join the Catholic faith.
It is well known that most people who choose to join the Catholic Church do so because of the influence of a Catholic they respect and admire. It may be a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, a classmate or a neighbor. A person of faith who lives the faith with credibility and conviction will be respected and often invite others to re-examine their own faith journey.
I have a ton of respect to the many of you, St. Gerard Parishioners and others beyond, who have wholeheartedly embraced your faith in Jesus Christ and have made his teachings and example your rule of life. You pray, you serve with generosity, you are attentive to those entrusted to your care and more. You have to know that others admire that kind of fidelity and conviction so clearly lived out in credible fashion. Have you ever thought of approaching an unchurched or searching family member or friend and inviting them to consider becoming a Catholic? Or, do you know a lapsed Catholic that may be ready to come home if but invited?
Never underestimate the power of your invitation. Someone you know may be waiting for you to ask. More than you know, they may "
want what you got!?"