This past Friday, the feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven, offered me a firsthand insight into the way our community prayer is enhanced by the full and active participation of all present for Mass. We always hope that the homily is well prepared and insightful, that the readers proclaim the Word of God with conviction, that the altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters and Mass coordinators are respectful and attentive to their duties, and that the music is inspiring and appropriate for the feast. However, we sometimes forget that the gathered assembly also has a role in the community prayer. When the people in the pews are attentive, actively respond to the dialogues and participate in the community prayers, and sing their hearts out there is a spirit about the liturgy that is palpable.
Both at the 12:05 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. liturgies this past Friday, I was taken by the level of participation on the part of the assembly. The prayers were prayed with energy and the songs were sung with great gusto. As the priest presiding at these two liturgies, I was both moved and inspired. I suspect others were as well. When it is clear that everyone is pouring their hearts into the community's prayer, why wouldn't the Mass be a greater source of inspiration?
I encourage all members of St. Gerard and members of every other church, never to underestimate what the church documents refer to as the 'ministry of the assembly.' I spend hours preparing for the Sunday liturgies hoping and praying that my effort and God's grace might help move those at Mass to a deeper faith and greater commitment to discipleship. If each member of the assembly came to Mass, certainly to be nourished by the Lord, but also committed to being an active participant believing his/her investment was beneficial for all, would our liturgies not be inspiring for all?
Every member of the assembly has an important role in making our community prayer meaningful, prayerful, nourishing and inspiring. Let us all commit to bringing our 'A' game to Mass every Sunday.