The first Sunday in October is observed as Respect Life Sunday in Catholic parishes around the country. We are urged to review our commitment to upholding the sanctity of human life at every stage, from conception to natural death.
When Pope Francis was in the United States recently he called on us to champion human life by our care for those often overlooked, despaired or forgotten. These include unborn children, refugees, the poor, the elderly and more. Our concern has to be more than words. Our actions must manifest our commitment to the sanctity of human life.
I applaud those of you who actively work to uphold the sanctity of life including:
· Those who visit the homebound.
· Those who bring food to the hungry and those who donate food.
· Those who are participating in the 40 Days for Life.
· Those who support Shared Pregnancy through the Baby Bottle Boomerang and Dresser Mission.
· Those who organize and work the Community Dinners.
· Those who tutor children.
· Those who write their congressional representatives to advocate for legislation that supports life.
Let us continue to seek ways to use our energy, talent and resources to uphold the sanctity of life at all stages. May our observance of Respect Life Sunday lead to lives led in support of and in defense of human life.