Scripture Studies
Women in the Old Testament
Part One
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
This class will take us on a journey through Israel’s beginnings, captivity and freedom, and tribal period from the perspective of the earliest women of salvation history, such as Sarah, Deborah, and Ruth. These ancient stories of women of the Bible remain rich and relevant for believers today.
We meet from 9:00 -10:15 starting on Sept 4.
In the Parish Center
No previous Bible study needed. All are welcome.
Questions? Contact Jan Haselschwerdt ([email protected]) or
Dcn. Ray Rzepecki ([email protected])
The words and actions of Jesus teach us much about how we should relate to others. Anyone interested in making their relationships with others stronger will benefit from Relating to Others as Jesus Would.
Class starting Thursday, September 05
6:30 pm
Adult Education Rooms
Facilitator: Dale Hinkley [email protected]